K’intu Healing Arts offers the options of Project Based Bodywork (ATSI series work) and individual treatment sessions.

Project Based Bodywork

Transformative bodywork takes time.

That’s not the way we do health care these days, but perhaps it’s the missing ingredient.

The Anatomy Trains Structural Integration (ATSI) 12 series is a methodical, series based approach to bodywork is designed to unravel the layers, the patterns dancing between body, mind, heart.

“here is the deepest secret nobody knows

(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud

and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows

higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)

and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart…”

E.E. Cummings

And the good news is, while the series takes time, it doesn’t last forever.

Commit to all 12 sessions or start with the first three and then decide.

We meet every one to three weeks.

You set the intention for your journey.

We commit to the time, to the process, to the discovery.

At the end of the series, you move back out into the world;

empowered, it feels different.

Relish the shifts, watch as they reveal themselves over time.

Maybe we meet again, but only after an ample pause.

Read more about our recipe for the 12-series journey,

Anatomy Trains Structural Integration.


Single Treatment Sessions

Booking an single treatment session is a great way to meet Kat (and her pup Nahla) and get familiar with her work.

Single sessions are also available as a tune-up down the road after series work.

The session can be focused on a major feature or issue you have been dealing with or it can be the first session of the 12-series.

If you would like a blend of treatment modalities, book Integrative Bodywork.

Other options for individual treatment sessions include Massage Therapy, Abdominal Massage and Visionary Craniosacral Work.



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