To help create an open heart, a clear head and a free body
What is Visionary Craniosacral Work®?
Visionary Craniosacral Work® is a gentle, non-invasive hands-on method of working with the physical, energetic and emotional state of the entire body. The focus is one the 22 cranial bones, spine and sacrum; as well as the brain, cerebrospinal fluid and surrounding membranes. The touch is very light, engaging your own body’s rhythm for healing and providing the appropriate support that your body needs to heal itself.
The deep calm that can be experienced during a session extends out to benefit one’s mental, emotional and spiritual well being. VCSW allows for the nervous system to deeply relax, which can improve metabolic functioning, as well as digestive and immune system health. There’s nothing more potent that fully arriving in the boots of your being, grounded yet awake and free.
What happens during a session?
A client is fully clothed during a session, dressed comfortably as you would for yoga or gentle stretching. It’s best to limit jewelry and avoid wearing jeans, turtlenecks or hoodies. Most sessions and techniques have the client laying face up on the table, but at times we may work prone (face down). Depending on your intention, history and symptoms, I will place my hands on various parts of your body to assess your cranial rhythm, tracking what’s moving and where there might be restrictions.
What can VCSW help me with?
Craniosacral therapy can be beneficial for everyone, at all stages of life and can help alleviate symptoms and conditions of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual nature. A few include:
Headaches & Migraines
Temperomandibular Dysfunction, Jaw Pain, Bruxism
Concussion, Whiplash & Car Accident Injuries
Central Nervous System Disorders
Back Pain, Sciatica, Hip & Pelvis Pain
Depression & Anxiety
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD)
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
How many sessions will I need?
I typically recommend 3-6 weekly sessions before deciding whether VCSW will be beneficial for your healing journey. If it feels like a yes, then monthly or bi-monthly sessions as maintenance. Response to treatment varies per person and intention, and the healing always happens in layers. Most issues in our body develop over time, so unfolding requires the right at the right time, with the right practitioner, for the right amount the time. If I am unable to be your support in healing, I will do my best to direct you to another practitioner.
The Heart of Listening by Hugh Milne
60 minutes | $145
“This is not imagination, this is not grief or joy, not a judging state, or an elation,
or a sadness - those come and go.
This is the presence that does not”
-Jallal al Din Rumi