Have you heard about Magic Socks?

Got your attention with that title, didn’t I? Because who doesn’t love magic and an opportunity for cozy socks?

This age old naturopathic remedy acts to increase circulation and decrease congestion in the upper respiratory passages, head and throat. It has a very sedative quality to it & folks often report better sleep during the treatment. It’s effective for pain relief and increases healing response during acute infections, or it can be incorporated into your self care routine.

Does it sound crazy like onions in your socks to curb the flu? I tried it myself for 3 nights and yes, it was a pretty glorious and restful sleep. I also had some interesting sensations in the tips of my big toes early in the morning. Give it a try, there’s nothing to lose right? Let me know what you experience!

Treatment is best if repeated for three nights in a row.


  • Sore throat or any inflammation or infection of the throat

  • Nasal congestion or sinus infections

  • Upper respiratory infections, coughs or bronchitis

  • Ear infections

  • Neck pain

  • Headaches or migraines


  • 1 pair white cotton socks

  • 1 pair thick wool socks

  • Towel

  • Warm bath or warm foot bath


This therapy should be timed for when you are about to go to bed or take a nap.

  1. Warm your feet first. This is very important as the treatment will not be as effective and could be harmful if your feet are not warmed first. Warming can be accomplished by soaking your feet in warm water for at least 5-10 minutes or taking a warm bath.

  2. Dry off feet (and body) with a dry towel.

  3. Take a pair of cotton socks and soak them completely with cold water. Be sure to wring the socks out thoroughly so they do not drip.

  4. Place cold wet socks on feet. Cover with thick wool socks. Go directly to bed and cover yourself warmly with blankets - avoid getting chilled.

  5. Keep the socks on while you rest, for a minimum of 30 minutes. If you use the socks overnight you will find that the wet cotton socks will be dry in the morning.

Now Heating.....BioMat!

Just in time for a hot summer folks, K’intu’s table is now being heated with the Amethyst & Tourmaline filled infrared BioMat! Given the 18 pounds of crystals, it’s firmer than the previous heating pad, but it’s been a potent addition to sessions.

Good vibes are always a plenty when crystals are involved.

The BioMat sounds woo-woo but it’s pretty legit. Certified as a USFDA Class II 510K approved medical device for pain, inflammation and stress, it aids muscle relaxation and increases local circulation where applied.

It has been proven to provide temporary relief of:

  • Minor muscle pain

  • Minor joint pain and stiffness

  • Joint pain associated with arthritis

  • Muscle spasms

  • Minor sprains

  • Minor strains

  • Minor muscular back pain 

Other benefits found from the BioMat:

  • Reduces stress and fatigue

  • Soothes and relaxes

  • Supports the immune system

  • Improved sleep

  • Reduced inflammation (where applied)

  • Promotes relaxation by application of heat

  • Promotes restful sleep for those with occasional sleeplessness

Book a session and find out for yourself!

The Myth, The Legend, The ATSI 12 Series Journey

When I started the Anatomy Trains Structural Integration training, I was sitting by the dock when my Dad whispered,

“You are going to be given the keys to the human body, what are you going to do with them?”

The meat and potatoes of ATSI is a sequence of myofascial release sessions coupled with movement education, designed to evoke easy alignment in gravity. It’s roots lay within Dr. Ida P. Rolf’s groundbreaking 10 series recipe, which Tom Myer’s extended to the 12 series, based on his theories of myofascial lines of continuity through the human body.  Alas playing into the overused, never seems to get old bodywork joke that “it’s all connected.”

It truly is all connected and the 12 series is designed to reveal what that “it” actually is.

So in answer to my Dad’s question, I’m going to start with what feels familiar. We take everywhere we’ve ever been, everywhere we ever go - so these keys will sit alongside Visionary Craniosacral Work, Peruvian and Celtic Shamanism, Visceral Manipulation and Soul Tarot. But I promise, Dr. Rolf, to always keep my physics under my metaphysics.

When neat and tidy, the 12 series can be seen as three parts consisting of four sessions each. 

The first four revolve around the superficial sleeves of myofascia; front, back, sides and spirals. They are the first line of the Major Arcana of the Tarot, which asks, Who Am I? How have I been shaped by the world around me? Our goal is to introduce the work, get this layer free, open, and receptive. Ultimately the best way I can describe the experience of the first four sessions is that it’s similar to the feeling of waking up in a new country. You’re plenty aware that the roots of your life are alive and well back home (or maybe not so well), but the new scenery and reality provides a fresh and liberating perspective. 

The second set of four is the deep core, shall we say the dark knight of the soul? We are in line two of the Major Arcana, the chrysalis. With the superficial layers open, we can begin to address the deeper keys that might be behind the right side compression, pelvic rotation or head forward posture. We methodically work through the anatomical representations of your core, and that is as real as it gets folks. My best advice - stay the course, be open to process what arises (you may be surprised). Pay attention to the situations that come up in your life, the emotions, stories and dreams.

In every journey there is a fulcrum, a still point, where the tide changes from one direction to another. The concept of a fulcrum in bodywork always seemed quite elusive to me, until I experienced one in real life. I found myself at a full moon swim in Ireland, standing chest deep in the chilly Atlantic Ocean surrounded by a circle of women. There was one woman in the middle, wearing red lipstick, pearls and she was singing opera. I don’t like opera, but it was so potent, akin to an out of body experience, but I couldn’t have been more in my body at that moment. But that’s what a fulcrum does, it opens the door to the heart’s most prominent unanswered questions. The things we haven’t been willing to see, but once we do, we can make the choice to move forward. “Growth is a paradox”, Fritz Perls founder of Gestalt Therapy is quoted saying, “it requires both effort and surrender.”

In part three, we begin to reintegrate the superficial with the deep. We will revisit that sacred wish of yours that inspired this journey in the first place. Are there any stones that we have left unturned? What have we seen and accomplished thus far? Where does your healing want to go next? Ultimately our goal here is resolution, like Humpty Dumpty, we put you back together again and prepare you for completion.

Now you may ask,  am I ready for this work?

Do I really need this work? 

Fritz Perls used to challenge his clients by asking,

“When did you die? 

When did you stop singing? 

When did you stop dancing? 

When did you stop enjoying the sweet territory of silence?”

So the question is not if some of us need this work and others of us don’t. It’s a matter of when are you ready, I’ll see you the airport. 

P.S. My Dog Moss Man has also been certified by Tom Myer’s to practice Structural Integration.

Why Bodywork Matters

So clearly I have a biased opinion about this subject, but in a heartfelt post, I’d like to ramble on a bit about why bodywork matters.

First, I’ll share the funny story about my first professional massage around the age of 27. I was in Huanchacho, Peru, a small beach town outside of Trujillo. My college roommate had flown down to Peru and we were staying at a cute hostel on the beach. “Let’s get massages!” she said. Turns out it was a powerhouse of a Peruvian woman who rubbed us down in a way that felt like a busy Mamacha tending to her potatoes in the high Andes.

I had a few more massages from a friend in Cusco before I decided to close my yoga studio and move to Boulder, Colorado for massage school. Halfway through my studies, I signed up for the Visionary Craniosacral Work program with Hugh Milne, having never received a craniosacral session before.

I’ll pause here and say that before my yoga studio and massage practice, I was most inspired to serve the world (I’m an Aquarius after all) by working in humanitarian aid. Those experiences are a story for another day, but I’ll say that I didn’t need much time in large or small organizations to realize that the support and impact you can make in one person’s life can have an exponentially positive, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious effect on their families, community and beyond.

Am I right or am I right that life is intense? It can be horribly beautiful and majestically terrifying all in a day’s time. It’s a delicate dance of let’s have fun but only after we unpack the ancestral trauma. It’s the constant remembering that everyone you meet is negotiating their own inner growth, so how can you provide them (and yourself) with just a little more grace? Mama Earth is furious, the politics are mad, the media needs something to say. New Age folks are selling courses on New Earths, New Paradigms, the promise of a better, wiser, more awake humanity. But here we are, waking up each day in the meat suit with our responsibilities, deadlines, expectations, dogs, children, families, and deep desire to be free, joyful, complete and at peace…

Holy cannoli.

Laying down on the massage table sounds quite nice right about now. Am I right or am I right?

I agree with the New Age woo-cifers in that we have a chance to be better, to grow and evolve. But the future New Earth they are talking about does not exist.

The only thing that is actually real is the present moment. The next thing that will be real will be the next present moment, but do we know how to be fully in this one so when the next one arrives we can actually be in that one too and not the next, next, next?

The one thing moving quicker than our fast paced lives are our minds. Our bodies are struggling to keep up.

What would it be like to slow down, to pay attention. To take a breath and feel the expansion. To exhale and let it all drop. To have the therapeutic presence of another human help you recognize your miracle of being in the flesh. To be present with your precious incarnation.

I’ve been supporting humans in their journey to deepen their awareness and connection to their bodies through yoga and bodywork for over a decade. I’m only just scraping the beginning of my career, but do you want to know one of my favorite things to witness? How a client’s eyes can change in less than an hour. And it’s not just because their body feels better, it’s because their essence is back home.

Was it the technique we did on their hip that relieved the pain? Did the body reading provide answers, explanations to their pattern? Was it my hands, their breath, the silent partners or the invitation to be here, the permission to slow down, that allowed the story to unwind and the health to surface from their inner resource? Maybe yes, maybe so, maybe it was a little bit of everything?

It is nothing short of an honor and a pleasure to be a part of this journey with you. K’intu Healing Arts is a space where you can show up disheveled, energetically dismemerbed by the bouts of life and inch by inch, together, we will find the way back to whole.

To truly believe why bodywork matters is ultimately something you will have to experience for yourself.

Portland, Maine, I’m here for you.

If this post inspires anything in your day, I hope it was a luscious pause, an invitation to pay attention to this moment.

To look upon your body and all of it’s beautiful parts. What a miracle it is to be here.

I bid you adieu with this cute duck because why not. Wasn’t the kitten the absolute cutest?

Practice Updates - April 1, 2024

Practice Evolution

As of April 1st, I will be implementing new rates.

The economy & continuing education play a role, but the essence of this shift is a reflection of the work we’ve been doing together and where we will continue to go.

Towards the end of my Dad’s life as a Cardiologist, he knew that what troubled a person’s physical heart was as much emotions as it was diet or exercise.

“I always put the veterans at the end of my day Katherine,” he said more than once. “So I have the time, because I know they just need to feel like someone is listening.”

He would also start each appointment by roaring through the door, startling his elderly patients into a sudden outburst of joy as he boomed,

“How ya doing young man? How’s it going young lady?”

There’s nothing like a good giggle when you least expect it.

Where this practice will continue to go, weaving structural, cranial and visceral work, will be a reflection of the stories you share, the life that unfolds in our community and our world.

You, my super fabulous clients,  have always been my greatest teachers.

I think K’intu Healing Arts is picking up where my Dad left off, in the place of deep listening.

Your presence, vulnerability and participation are forever and always, honored and appreciated.

With love and best wishes,

Kat (& Nahla)

Spring / Summer Availability

Everything is updated online, but as a heads up, I’m heading back to school for a total of 7 weeks between April 8th - June 15th.
When I graduate from Anatomy Trains in June (omg!!!), my summer schedule will shift to Tuesday to Fridays. The occasional Saturday will open.

Feel free to pre book at current rates.

Should you need to reschedule, new rates then apply.

FYI, should you prepay and cancel outside of 48 hours, you will receive cost of session less nonrefundable Square processing fees (3%).

New Rates April 1st

Visionary Craniosacral Work

Initial Session 75 minutes - $155

60 minutes - $140

Integrative Bodywork

60 minutes - $140

75 minutes - $170

90 minutes - $190


75 minutes - $495

90 minutes - $555


Integrative Bodywork is a blend of modalities to address needs & goals

Structural Integration can be experienced as a single session, 3-Series or 12-Series (book by 3-packs)

Deep Dive into Fascia

Coming Soon over 2023/2024

Anatomy Trains Structural Integration (ATSI)

A lot of words but what do they mean (!?!?!)

In two weeks I’m going back to school for the advanced bodywork program ATSI.

How will this  change my practice? In truth, I’m open to be surprised.

Most likely, sessions may start to look less symmetrical, as we begin to hone a laser focus into the areas of restriction, and reawaken the places we tend not to go.

Let’s be honest, there is either a drawer or corner of a room that you don’t frequent too often in your home. Or maybe a burner on your cooktop that you seldom use.

Well, the same goes with our body. There are spaces where we live heavily, and others we rarely interact with. Restricted or cautious movement patterns, strain and overuse thus ensues.

But what would it be like to live with all of us in unison? And maybe with a little less ache & pain?

For me, ATSI  honors precision & detail, yet poetically, it’s all about witnessing how your life story expresses itself through your body. From that reading, we use efficient touch to get you moving & living with more freedom & ease.

It’s a huge investment for my practice on many levels, but I’m stoked to finally have the chance to study this fascinating work with incredible teachers & geek out on anatomy.

Price Structure Changes October 1st, 2023

It is the honor of my lifetime to support our community with skilled and intuitive bodywork.

Your stories are my constant inspiration to dive deeper into study and professional development.

Completing the Visionary Craniosacral Work program with Hugh Milne was a years long journey I many times thought impossible, but I am so grateful that it is now such a vibrant part of my practice. I cannot wait to see where the advanced bodywork training of Anatomy Trains Structural Integration will take my practice.

It has been a few years, a different economy and many courses ago since I’ve made a significant price adjustment, but I welcome this change October 1st, 2023 by bringing back highly discounted monthly memberships & the 3-pack.

Thank you for you continued support of my small business. As always, please feel free to reach out via email (kat@kintuhealingarts.com) call or text (207.693.5181).

Single Session or New Client

60 minutes | $140

75 minutes | $170

90 minutes | $200

120 minutes | $260

75 minutes VCSW | $140

120 Minutes Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy | $240

60 minutes Maya Follow up | $140

Monthly Membership

60 minutes | $135

75 minutes | $160

90 minutes | $185

120 minutes | $240

75 minutes VCSW | $135

60 minutes Maya | $135

Terms & Conditions:

3-month commitment, 30 days notice to cancel

Can share with other 4x / 12 months


60 minutes | $405

75 minutes | $505

90-minutes | $570

120 minutes | $750

Terms & Conditions:

Use within 4 months

Non-refundable, but may share with family/friends

As always, these are flat fees. No tipping & includes add on’s like herbal balms, essential oils, cupping & heat therapy.

Four-legged Office Assistant

My long time dream for K’intu Healing Arts is to purchase a rural (yet accessible) property (in Maine!) so clients can really take a break out of life and unwind with various healing therapies. There will be flower baths, a sauna, a meditation & tea room, and animals. LOTS of animals.

Since we only get to our dreams by taking one step at a time, I’ve decided to start bringing my 10 year old pup Nahla, who grew up in my yoga studio in Cusco, into my treatment room. She dug the roots into my wandering spirit & has been a huge part of my own healing. She will greet you & bless the space with her snoozing.

My favorite memory from our days of Yoga Room Cusco was when a woman from London told me that she was terrified of dogs, but when she met Nahla, she was determined to work through her fear. After a week of visiting & attending classes, the fear melted away.

Here’s a sweet picture of them cuddling in savasana.

If you would rather Nahla not join in for your session, there will be an option to request no dog present when booking.
Your comfort has & will always be of upmost importance and priority for me. I will happily honor your wishes.

Please feel free to reach out directly if you are allergic or have any other concerns.

Nahla looks forward to loving you up.

The imprints our bodies hold.

Do you know that feeling when you’re searching for something to wear, and your hand traces over a piece of clothing that you wore on a random, ordinary day that turned out to be extra-ordinary? Or the cozy feeling you get from holding a warm cup of tea in your favorite mug?

Side note: I am convinced that everyone has a favorite coffee/tea mug. Prove me wrong.

Back to my point. It’s seems to be a pretty innate quality of the human condition to attach meaning to physical items. The things that we can remember being with us in those special moments are forever cherished. It’s a tangible way of holding the memory.

But that’s just acknowledging one side of the spectrum. I once found a purse in a thrift store on South Street in Philadelphia with my initials, KN. I thought it was the coolest thing ever - until every time I used this purse, bad things seemed to happen. I quickly donated that item to goodwill, feeling relieved and a tad bit guilty at what I might be passing on to another innocent KN.

I often find myself reminding clients that even though our cells replicate, regenerate, and replenish themselves, your body, in all of it’s shapes and expressions, has been with you through it all. Leading experts in the fields of science and woo-woo agree, our muscles and bones store memories and emotions.

Every step you’ve ever taken, is with you every step you take.

Recently I was looking at the dress I was wearing the day my car was stolen with my dogs inside. They thankfully were recovered safe and sound 23 minutes later, but every breath of the nonstop primal screams that ripped through my body were etched into that fabric. I could have (or should have?) donated or burned that dress.

But that dress has another story. I found it at flea market in West Cork, Ireland, while staying in an off grid hut, on a farm rewilding itself, while I was doing quite the same. It’s lime green & has a whole lot of life left to give.

So on a sunny day in Maine (do we remember what those are?), I put on that dress to change the story. It didn’t need to be an extraordinary day, ordinary would be just fine.

A new imprint, a new memory. Making a conscious decision to shift what I remember beneath the fabric.

I sometimes like to think of bodywork that way. Pausing and remembering what each piece, each part, has been through with us. What memory it’s holding onto and how that imprint is affecting our psyche, our heart and how we’re moving in the world.

When I get to this point of needing to summarize the unexplainable aspects of therapeutic touch, I try to be clear and succinct, yet also honor and allow enough space for the grand mystery of this work.

So I’ll leave you with this. If we just kept collecting items & storing them in our closet, we might be lucky to have them all be filled with good, adventurous memories. But the human experience is riddled with variety, and if we’re not paying attention, the restrictions can become so intermingled with the things that feel free, that no matter what we put on, it doesn’t feel good.

How’s that for an analogy?

Be well, my friends. Call me if you need to rearrange your closet.

3-Pack Ends April 5, 2023; Availability & Pricing & NEW Offerings in 2023/24

Happy Spring everybody!

Just a couple of practice updates regarding the 3-Pack, pricing & availability,


NEW OFFERINGS coming in 2023/24!

Thank you for being a part of my first 5 months in Portland!

I hope this smiling lamb brings a little “awww” into your day.

Ciao for now, Kat

3-Pack Special Ends April 5, 2023

K’intu’s "new to town" 3-pack is going on a wee hiatus.

Get 'em while they last.

Enjoy them yourself or share with a friend.

Use within 4 months from purchase date.

Schedule & Rates Updates

Starting April 5th, 2023


Wednesday to Saturday

and now….

every 1st & 3rd Tuesday

Occasional Sundays

(Availability updated on booking site)


60 minutes - $130

75 minutes - $150

90 minutes - $175

120 minutes - $230

Visionary Craniosacral Work

75 minutes - $140

New Offerings Coming in 2023/24!

Holistic Pelvic Care (Late Spring)

Tami Lynn Kent

The primary goal of HPC is to empower a womxn to inhabit her/their pelvic space and occupy her/their feminine ground physically, energetically, emotionally, & spiritually. The work consists of physical and energetic tools designed to evaluate, restore balance, and enhance vibrant flow in the pelvic bowl by working with a womxn’s core patterns.

Maya Abdominal Massage (July)

Arvigo Instittue

Maya Abdominal Massage is a welcome back into your belly space, awakening to a deeper sense of sovereinty and balance. This work can be supportive to many reproductive, digestive and structural concerns - including infertility, menstrual conditions, fibroids, endometriosis, GERD, IBS, Crohn’s disease, adhesions, scarring, constipation, chronic fatigue, migraines and chronic pain. It can be a potent ally on fertility journeys, working in conjunction with assisted reproductie technologies. Spiritual healing in this tradition can support embodiment, integration and the release of all manner of trauma.

Structural Integration (“Rolfing”) (Fall '23 to Spring ‘24)

Anatomy Trains

It has been a dream of many years to learn the work of Ida Rolf. ATSI sessions can be used to resolve particular problems, as a tonic for your posture, movement and how you carry yourself through the world. Through a methodical 10-series, the ATSI approach helps to free restrictions in the fascial network and re-educate the body in efficient and energy-sustaining patterns.