Integrative Bodywork

60 minutes | $140

75 minutes | $170

90 minutes | $190

Integrative Bodywork Sessions are designed to meet your goals with Massage, Structural Integration, Abdominal/Visceral Work, and/or Visionary Craniosacral Work.

Visionary Craniosacral Work®

Initial Session 75 minutes | $155

60 minutes | $140

Anatomy Trains Structural Integration Series Work

Option for 3 or 12 Series

Option for 75 or 90 minute sessions

Purchase Discounted 3-Packs

Pre-book all sessions at 1-3 week intervals


75 minutes | $495

90 minutes | $555

Available for Integrative Bodywork & Anatomy Trains Structural Integration Series Work

Use within 120 days


Gift Certificates

Available for Integrative Bodywork (60, 75 & 90 minutes).

What Clients Are Saying